Twitter announced on Wednesday that it is deleting the out-of-order timeline feature. This means that Twitter will no longer show tweets in reverse chronological order. The company said that this change will make it easier for users to follow what’s happening.
Many people are unhappy with this change. They say that it makes it harder to keep up with what’s happening on Twitter. Others argue that the change is necessary because Twitter is becoming more like a social network than a messaging app.
Most Twitter users, who depend on Twitter for breaking news updates, were unhappy with the latest timeline experiment. Tabbed browsing has been discontinued by the platform. This latest update comes after Twitter updated its iOS app to separate algorithmic and chronological tweets into two sections. It was intended to be ported to the top Android phones and websites, but it wasn’t a popular choice.
Naturally, there will be a negative reaction. The tabbed timeline allowed users to pin the most recent tweets tab to the home page. However, the first time the app was launched, it showed Twitter’s algorithm-based recommendations. Users had no control over what information was displayed as soon as the app opened. It was also difficult to see the latest tweets by default.
According to reports claim that Twitter today removed the tabbed timeline view from its site and returned to the actual experience as a response to the backlash.
Twitter wrote in a tweet, “We read you” “For now, we have flipped the chronology, disabled the tabbed experience and, however, will continue to explore other options.”
It is unclear which other options Twitter might offer in lieu of tabbed experiences. The site’s recent reversal, however, is a sign that people are using it to keep track of current events, such as the Ukraine crisis. In such a case, the reverse-chronological timeline comes in handy, and changing it now does not appear to be a wise choice for Twitter.
Twitter announced on Wednesday that it has deleted the feature that allowed users to view their tweets in chronological order. The company said the feature was not widely used and caused confusion.
Twitter said the feature was not widely used because most people prefer to view tweets in reverse-chronological order. The company also said the feature caused confusion because some people were not sure how to use it.
Reaction to Deleting Feature: The reaction to the announcement has been mixed, with some people criticizing Twitter for getting rid of the feature and others supporting the decision.
Twitter’s recent decision to delete its out-of-order timeline feature has been met with mixed reactions. Some people are unhappy with the decision, believing that it makes Twitter less user-friendly. Others argue that the feature was causing more problems than it was worth and that its deletion will make Twitter a more efficient and user-friendly platform. According to recent polls, the majority of people believe that Twitter made the right decision in deleting the out-of-order timeline feature.